Buckle up folks! With the biggest festival of consumerism on our doorstep I’m swooping in with a very timely topic; Conscious consumerism. I was recently invited to host a panel debate at an Etsy pop up shop in central London in Covent Garden on this subject and it was fantastic. Now while this isn’t an […]

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Last week I was thrilled to be invited to the opening party of a new flagship Habitat store in my home town in Brighton. Now to let you into a secret, I’ve known about the opening for a while but am now thrilled to see my favourite high street retailer back in my hood. I […]

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So when Kate Watson Smyth- my good friend who writes the formidably successful Mad about the House blog, and author of the best selling book of the same name, called me up and asked “Fancy doing a Podcast with me” , I said, yeah of course- will be fun. Just talking innit? I must admit […]

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Last month I was thrilled and honoured in equal measure to be invited to be part of Red Smart Women’s week. This is a wonderful initiative set by Hearst Live events to bring women together under one room and celebrate all things entrepreneurial. So I’m all over that! The itinerary was packed with fabulous and […]

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Another wonderful Colour workshop with a room full of colour thirsty creatives was held  earlier this month. I was thrilled to host my second Colour Psychology workshop for interiors with the immensely talented and inspirational Fiona Humberstone aka The Brand Stylist.  Fiona and I put a huge amount of love and effort into these workshops […]

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I’m still on a high after launching our maiden event ‘Colour Psychology for Interior Design’ last week, co-hosted with the amazing Fiona Humberstone from The Brand Stylist. It was in London, during a heatwave, in a glass ceiling building, but we made it without totally expiring from the heat. That alone was a minor triumph. […]

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