I think we are all agreed that the kitchen is the heart of the home. Just consider how much time we spend it and how no matter how lovely all the other rooms in your home are, whenever you have people over, they always flock around the kitchen like bee’s around a honey pot! However, […]

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The kitchen is often described as the heart of the home; it’s a place where we can spend the most amount of time so creating an environment you enjoy being in is important. But if your home is anything like mine, it’s more like a war zone! Having your kitchen fully kitted out and renovated […]

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Three months of hard graft, impeccable planning, sourcing some of the best products and all came to fruition for an install that happened in just under two days. As you know, I do just love a challenge! However not without the most massive organisational talent and design mastery of my design side kick Edwina Boase […]

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