Withe the bank holiday fast approaching I thought it would be fun to get into the DIY spirit of things. In my latest YouTube video I share my favourite easy yet effective Creative DIY projects that you could easily tackle in a weekend as part of you interior design room revamp  

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One of the simplest way to upsell the look of your home is to style up your bookcase or open shelves. Oh so often I see them groaning under the weight of travel guides, DVD’s and Cd’s and they are well, quite frankly an eyesore! So think about how you style up your shelves with […]

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With so many people increasingly renting rather than owning it gives us a fresh new approach to how we interior design our space. I rented my last home for 6 years and while, sure there were frustrations, I found that by concentrating on the details, accessories and furnishings i was able to layer up oodles […]

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