Happiness. It’s the Holy Grail right? And us Brits don’t appear to be very good at it. We’re just not hitting the Hygge like our Scandinavian neighbours. But ask anyone I know and it’s the ultimate goal we’re all striving to grasp – be it success at work, love filled relationships, or harmony at home. […]
Sorry this one took me a while to post. Its been a huge task moving Mums stuff in and editing it down but check out the new furniture arrivals! Here are a few helpful links of suppliers: https://www.littlegreene.com/french-grey https://www.quick-step.co.uk/en-gb/hardwood/imperio http://www.landfordstone.co.uk/ http://www.johncullenlighting.com/
The race is on and with my Mum moving in tomorrow, all the trades are working round the clock to get it ready in time for the removal mens arrival
Arranging artwork has to be my favourite way to accessorise a home. You get to create a focal point, a striking opportunity to add some colour and by far one of the best ways to really personalise your space. BUT I see it done so wrong time and time again so I thought this would […]