Oh my goodness who is struggling at this time of year!!!! I have to admit January is not my friend and I’m sluggishly trying to get motivated and blow away the post Christmas brain fog. If I’m honest, I’d really just love to be back on the sofa with a mince pie! But at the […]
Teal feels like a perennial fashionable favourite in terms of interior design. It’s always being touted as being in vogue that I think it’s just become such an on trend classic. Floating between blue and green, Teal is a very versatile shade to use in a scheme. What it has going for it is first […]
Last weekend I was thrilled to host my new look Colour workshop, in my hometown of Brighton at the gorgeous Artists Residence that sits atop the majestic Regency Square overlooking the sea. The sun came out and there were just nine of us all huddled together in the venues Ping-Pong room to discover and celebrate […]