One of the simplest way to upsell the look of your home is to style up your bookcase or open shelves. Oh so often I see them groaning under the weight of travel guides, DVD’s and Cd’s and they are well, quite frankly an eyesore! So think about how you style up your shelves with […]

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I wanted to share with you guys an exclusive look around my flat and talk about my interior design inspirations. If you follow me on any of my social media channels you’ll know that I am moving house this week, but before I go, I thought we should have a good look around the place […]

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This week I invited you all to post your Living room design dilemmas over on my Instagram, Facebook and twitter and I got tons of great questions. I answer a few of my favourites here on my YouTube channel. Make sure you hop over to YouTube and subscribe as I’ll be posting more of my […]

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Don’t you just love kids rooms? It’s an amazing opportunity to get in touch with your inner child and be wildly colourful and creative. But as the designers on The Great Interior Design Challenge know only too well, at the same time they are super challenging too.     You need to create a room […]

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Coming up with decorating ideas for dark rooms is tricky. Often the lack of natural light can complicate your choice of colour scheme. People too readily make the mistake of painting their room bright white, in an attempt to wrestle it into a sunnier submission. But the dark room won’t budge. It looks all the more gloomy and […]

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One of the things you guys have GOT to think about when picking out a lush new paint colour is the light in your room, because if colour is light- then the light is going to make a massive difference to how we read the colour. So what is colour anyway? Well if your going […]

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