Following on my series of the Seasonal personalities, next up we are taking a look at Summer. The colour Psychology for Interiors framework hinges on harnessing the energy and natural colour palette of the season and reflecting that in the style and colour palette for interiors. It’s all about creating spaces that evoke a mood, a feeling rather than simply looking nice on Instagram.
By looking at the season in its natural state, you need to first of all push away the summer images used in popular ‘summer holiday’ marketing. I’m thinking inflatable flamingos, parasols and pineapple printed beach shorts. In contrast, The English Summer is a gentle and relaxed time of year. Spring has exerted all its energy on the new push to grow and now Summer is a time to sit back and enjoy the labours. Thinks of hayfields gently swishing in the breeze, the heavy lull of a rose in full bloom and the warm afternoon sun forcing you to rest and take shade. While Spring is all go, go go, Summer is a time to take it easy and go slow.
And so with this Summer energy in mind, we notice that the colours we see in nature are also more subdued. Gone are the perky bright bluebells and daffodils and replaced by wisteria, peonies, roses and hydrangeas, which have more powdery tones. The leaves in the trees are less vibrant and slowly turn a darker green. Colours are cooler and more subtle, chalky with a tint of grey.
To go hand in hand with this softer colour palette styling is all about being understated, with timeless elegance. The relaxed feeling is enhanced with a well-organised space and no unnecessary clutter. This look is more suited to a careful curation of beautiful things, with plenty of symmetry to create a calm balance. There is nothing loud or brash and instead, the focus moves away from colour to tactile fabrics, smooth textures and refined lines. Summer people make the perfect hosts, with a beautifully laid table and thoughtful seating plan. They have a meticulous eye for details and enjoy the finer things in life. They crave a home that reflects these qualities.
Do you think you might be a Summer personality or know someone who is? If this post has got you desperate to re-style your home, then my Colour Psychology for interiors online course is open for enrolment during May and a wonderful opportunity to learn and understand more about how colour works. Sign up today, and start whenever you are ready as the course is completely self-paced. There is also a no-quibble refund policy if you get into it and change your mind. You can find out more here, and read some of the rave reviews from past students. Next on this blog, I’ll be posting about the Autumn personality, so if you are yet to make up your mind about which seasonal personality you are, then come back soon for that!
Featured image at top of the post is The White Company.