This is the final post in my series on the Seasonal personalities and the Psychology of colour. Time to take a look at Winter! Take a look at the winter landscape and it almost arresting in its starkness. From the sharpest bright white frosty morning to the eye-piercing blue skies the landscape is powerful and […]

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The third post in my series on the Psychology of Colour and the seasonal personalities sees one of my personal favourites, Autumn. Ah, Autumn- one of the most triumphant times of the year when it comes to watching nature in all its colour splendour! From leaves turning into vibrant fiery russet reds and auburn golds […]

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At the very core of the Colour Psychology framework is creating rooms that feel as good as they look. If you are going to create schemes that have a deep emotional resonance- that are a pure delight to be in, then you need to know what works for you. Because we are all so different […]

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I’m so lucky that I’ve carved a career surrounded by colour! My own personal preference is a very saturated one which has helped me stand out from an otherwise beige crowd.  I am looked upon as ‘The Colour Queen’ and someone who is brave and daring with colour, but it all comes from a very […]

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The end of another series of the Great Indoors podcast is here and to celebrate we recorded this episode at Kate’s house, which I haven’t visited in over a year! I think the excitement got to us a little – lots of giddy laughter to be heard on this one. We are also, so delighted […]

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Colour causes emotion. It’s energy light waves that hit our retina, send signals to the brain and boom. We feel it. But…and here’s the exciting part, we don’t all feel it in the same way. So, it follows that understanding your own unique relationship to colour is fundamental in creating a home that supports you […]

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