I’m thrilled to announce that today I turn 48! What a ride it’s been so far. I’m a very lucky, blessed, and happy to have made it this far on planet earth. One thing I love about getting older is that you care less and less about what other people think and continue to know […]

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Buying a new home is up there as one of lifes most exciting experiences, and with a new build, you get that added jazz hands fanfare that freshly painted walls, new carpets throughout and sparkly chrome taps bring. But like any house move you have to start to think fast about how you can make […]

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If I have one mission in life it’s to get people to invest in making their homes more colourful because I know it unlocks a happy home. While I appreciate for some people, grey or beige is indeed Nirvana, I refuse to believe that for the majority of people this is true. The swathes of […]

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Here’s the latest room reveal from the show house I designed at the current Ideal Home Show. Open plan spaces are often one of the hardest rooms to decorate. How to make the whole space work as one while still honoring the different zones is not straightforward. For example the vibe you want in the […]

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Another wonderful Colour workshop with a room full of colour thirsty creatives was held  earlier this month. I was thrilled to host my second Colour Psychology workshop for interiors with the immensely talented and inspirational Fiona Humberstone aka The Brand Stylist.  Fiona and I put a huge amount of love and effort into these workshops […]

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It’s no surprise that I’m absolutely fascinated by the rich and diverse world of colour and I’m fascinated how the psychology can provide a framework to pull together colours, textures, pattern and styles that will work together. As a designer it’s something I get to indulge in every day, and after twenty years in the […]

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